Support & Intervention
Basic Needs
It can be difficult to focus on academics and other educational endeavors when a student is struggling with basic needs. Listed below are the resources available should you find yourself struggling with basic needs in your time as a student. The Student Basics Needs office is available to support students with basic needs, please visit their website for more information.
If you have additional questions or would like to speak with a CSI staff member about your specific circumstances, please contact us via our contact form or by phone at (213) 740-0411.
Many students face challenges as they transition to life at USC, ranging from academic challenges to social or emotional difficulties as they navigate this new environment. There are a wide array of resources available to help students connect and access support.
- USC’s cultural communities include Asian Pacific American Student Services, the Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs, El Centro Chicano, the LGBT Resource Center, the Veterans Resource Center, and International Services. These offices provide advocacy, support, and community for USC students in their time here.
- Student Counseling Services is available to help students meet their academic and personal goals. With workshops, individual counseling, group counseling, and more, there are lots of resources available to students.
- Kortschak Center for Learning and Creativity offers many wonderful programs to help with time management and learning challenges, including one-on-one Academic Coaching and drop-in hours.
- Campus Activities is a great place to start if a student is looking to get more involved at USC. With over 1,000 recognized student organizations, there is something for everyone.
- Recreational Sports is a great way to pursue a healthy lifestyle while connecting with others.
Financial Issues
Should a student face financial difficulties, there are several resources they can contact for assistance.
- Financial Aid can work with students whose financial situations have drastically shifted. If you believe you have gone through a situation that might require an adjustment to your financial aid package, you can contact their office at 213-740-4444. They also have a helpful online program on Financial Literacy available for students.
- The USC Credit Union offers personal and student loans to help students meet their academic and financial goals.
- Academic units sometimes have additional funding available in the form of scholarships, grant, jobs, and other opportunities.
- If you are an undergraduate financial aid recipient who is financially struggling to access health insurance that meets your health needs (e.g., you have a mental health condition that requires a level of care not covered by your insurance), please contact our office. We can explore options and resources to help.
- USC Annenberg students should visit Annenberg’s Additional Funding Resources web page and learn more about the Annenberg Student Success Fund.
- Emergency Loan Application
Legal Aid
There are several legal resources on campus for students, depending on the nature of their legal concern.
GSG and USG provide free legal counseling to students. Click here for more information.
The USC Civic Engagement Housing Law Clinic provides professional services in housing discrimination law, local affordable housing issues, and landlord/tenant dispute resolution.
The Legal Advice Project provides free, confidential legal consultations and referrals to USC students, faculty, and staff who may be at risk of deportation, who are seeking to naturalize, or who have questions regarding their legal status and legal rights under the immigration laws.
For questions about housing availability and options contact the USC Housing office at (800) 872-4632. Other housing options can be found in the Daily Trojan.
The USC Civic Engagement Housing Law Clinic provides professional services in housing discrimination law, local affordable housing issues, and landlord/tenant dispute resolution.
Food Insecurity
The Emergency Food and Toiletry Pantry is an emergency resource for students experiencing food insecurity. The pantry is located in STU 422. Check their website for current hours and updates.
Late Night Hot Meal Program serves meals every Wednesday at 9am in the Dean’s List Café at UUC.
If you are interested in learning more or applying for CalFresh Benefits, click here.